OmniWeb Help

OmniWeb Help : Reference : OmniWeb Preferences : Update


OmniWeb can use your internet connection to check for new versions of the application. These settings allow you to control how often this happens, as well as what information is sent when the check is performed.

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The Update Preferences pane.

Check for updates: Lets you specify how often OmniWeb should check for new versions. The following intervals are available:

Check for Updates Now: When clicked, OmniWeb will immediately check for a new version of itself.

Include system information: When OmniWeb checks for new and updated versions of itself, it optionally includes some basic information about your system configuration. We use this data to determine what systems our customers are using and therefore what systems are most important to support. For more information click the Learn More... button.

Learn more...: This button presents a sheet that contains more information on the information sent during a check for new versions of OmniWeb.

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